Divorce Series Intro
Video Transcript
After working on matrimonial engagements for over 30 years and handling thousands of cases, I understand the importance of working with an experienced forensic accountant and attorney. Often in matrimonial engagements you are requested by attorneys and/or clients to handle incredibly complex task in very short time and then be confronted with depositions and trial testimony. Just like the light brigade we are often outgunned and out manned, and sometimes our own attorneys and clients contribute to the confusion. I plan on giving you some pointers to at least understand the basics. This video is an intro of what this series will go over in the next 8 videos including: • Pendent Lite • New Jersey Divorce Categories • 14 Factors of Alimony • Tax Effects of Alimony & Maintenance • Case Information Statement • And More! When you perform matrimonial engagements, I want yo